01 - Mein Kampf

Title – Mein Kampf / My struggle / මගේ අරගලය
(Amateur photographer / ආරම්භක ඡායාරුපශිල්පියෙක්)
Photographed by Camera – Canon: EOS REBEL T6 – EFS 18 – 55 mm
Open for ideas and criticism.
අදහස් හා උදහස් වලට විවෘතයි.

The title is based on Mein Kampf (German: [maɪ̯n kampf], My Struggle) which is a 1925 autobiographical book by Nazi Party leader Adolf Hitler. The work outlines Hitler's political ideology and future plans for Germany. Volume 1 of Mein Kampf was published in 1925 and Volume 2 in 1926.The book was edited by Hitler's deputy Rudolf Hess.

This photo is on my personal struggle to establish something good in this world.

I conceptualized this idea on 2011 while doing law hoping to be a lawyer, where my dream didn’t materialize.

Later in the mid 20’s in 2016/17 I was able to identify a collective argument on education of Sri Lanka which is currently highly debated for several reasons.

So this photo reflects my workshop/study room of producing the conceptual work for the student’s perspective on local education and a personal solution by myself. [Still under construction.]

This is made in "black and white" to establish a somber effect and a personal struggle.

"Hitler" though considered a dangerous enemy globally during his time, I personally find his approach to leadership amazing and great.

He though used his power negatively, It is extremely powerful his impact to the world and how it affected the masses of the world.


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