15 - Two Worlds

Title – Two worlds / ද්විත්වය

(Amateur photographer / ආරම්භක ඡායාරුපශිල්පියෙක්)

Photographed by Camera – Canon: EOS REBEL T6 – EFS 18 – 55 mm

Open for ideas and criticism.

අදහස් හා උදහස් වලට විවෘතයි.

This title was based on my personal observation as a person on finding ourselves.

Every day before going to work or school we go in front of a mirror and prepare ourselves to the real world.

But is it who we want us to be.

This photo’s theme is a reflection of the real you and the person the world see’s.

The outer and the inner person.

The photo is taken by me. I see my mother in the photo. To be honest my mother doesn’t know anything about the theme of the photo. She is a real nice woman. And she does not have a psycho mentality like me to study these existential issues.

Her natural photo reflects a traditional woman. But is that person actually she wanted to be?

This is just an observation to establish the elemental theme of the visual photograph.


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