11 - Dreamers won't last long

Title – Dreamers won’t last long / සිහිනමවන්නෝ

(Amateur photographer / ආරම්භක ඡායාරුපශිල්පියෙක්)

Photographed by Camera – Canon EOS 1100D / Lens – EFS 18 – 55 mm and 75-300 mm

Open for ideas and criticism.

අදහස් හා උදහස් වලට විවෘතයි.

“Dreamers won’t last long” photograph is a combination of three photographs. It was edited using the “Collage” tool of “Google Picasa” and “multiple exposure effect” was given, where this will superimpose pictures over one another.

The 3 photographs are close ups of my bedroom walls.

Many contain motivational quotes, posters and my goals.

Some are achieved and some are not. This is a reflection of the heartbreak and its consequences.

The “multiple exposure effect” will provide a superimpose effect where it will create a dreamlike sequence for 3 photographs resembling the title of the final photograph.


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